

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Mesin Kangen Water K8 dan Spesifikasinya

LeveLuk K8 (Kangen 8)

Produk LeveLuk K8 (singkatan dari Kangen 8) merupakan produk terbaru yang dikeluarkan oleh Enagic saat ini. Bagian dalam mesin K8 ini berjumlah 8 buah pelat titanium berlapis platinum (alias mengalami penambahan 1 buah pelat dibanding produk pendahulunya). Hal ini membuat K8 dapat meningkatkan hasil ionisasi air yang menghasilkan air dengan antioksidan super dahsyat yang sangat bagus sekali bagi kesehatan anda dan keluarga. Mesin ini mampu mengahsilkan 5 jenis air lengkap, serta bagian layarnya sudah mendukung full LCD Touch Screen yang sangat modern. Jika anda menginginkan produk mesin ionsiasi air paling baru dengan upgrade tambahan pelat untuk meningkatkan kedahsyatan hasil air alkali anda, K8 dapat menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk ditaruh di rumah anda.
Rp. 58.000.000,- (belum termasuk PPn)
HARGA Rp 63.900.000,- (sudah termasuk PPn)
Garansi produk 5 (lima) tahun.

LeveLuk k8 Product Details
Product Specifications
Model name / numberLeveluk Kangen 8 / A26-00
Languages8 Language Display & Audio
Water source connection1-way diverter (TAP/ION) connects to the end of faucet
Power Supply100-240V AC 50/6-Hz 2.6 - 1.1A
Worldwide Multi-Voltage Power Supply, with Interchangeable Plug Capability
Power consumptionEnergy Saving - Low Input, High Output
Approx. 230W (under maximum electrolysis function)
SystemContinuous Ionized Electrolysis Water Generator System (with built-in flow rate sensor)
Production rate (gallon(s)/minute)
  • Kangen Water®: 1.2-2.0
  • Acidic water: 0.4-0.7
  • Strong Acidic water: 0.16-0.3
Level Selections
  • Kangen Water® / 3 levels (approx. pH 8.5-9.5)
  • Clean water (pH 7)
  • Acidic water (approx. pH 5.5-6.5)
  • Strong Acidic water (approx. pH 2.4-2.7)
Electrolysis Capability (continuous use)Approx. 30 min at normal room temperature
Cell cleaning method10 Second Automatic Cleaning with On-Screen E-Cleaning Instructions
Applicable water quality and pressureMunicipally supplied drinking water: dynamic range in 50kpa - 500kpa
Electrolysis EnhancerForced dissolving type additive system (One time addition produces approx. 1.0-1.3 gallons of Strong Acidic water.)
Enhancer RefillingIndicates by voice, buzzer and LCD
ProtectorCurrent Limiter/Voltage Stabilizer/Thermal Protection
Electrode materialPlatinum coated Titanium
Electrode plates8

Water Filtering
Filtering mediumAnti-bacterial Granular Activated Charcoal and Sulfurous Acidic Calcium
Residual chlorine removalTotal water flow: 1,500 gallons
Removal rate / JISS3201 Test: 80%
Initial chlorine removal95% or greater
Elements not removableMetallic ions and/or salinity present in original tap water
Time to exchange the filterAutomatic Filter Sensor - No More New Filter Reset! When the filter has treated 1500 gallons of water (depends on quality of original tap water)
Optional/replacement parts
  • F8 High grade water filter
  • Calcium Lactate:
    3g x 12 packs/box
  • Electrolysis enhancer:
    3 bottles of 0.93pt
  • Cleaning filter:
filter kangen water
Additional Info
Dimensions13.6 x 11.0 x 5.8 (inch)
Gross Weight (wet)13.9 lbs

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